Our outdoor micro gallery space consists of 4 boards on the outside of Community House in Peterlee.

The purpose of this public gallery is to showcase excellent and diverse artwork. We are particularly interested in work that the communities of our estate might not otherwise get to see and to increase local awareness of No More Nowt arts activity happening both on-site in Community House and County-wide.

This is a rolling open call, however the deadline for our fourth round of OWTSIDE is 13th January 2025.

There’s no theme and no limit to the number of times an artist can apply.

Submissions can be new or existing work.

Successful artists will be awarded a fee of £100 and their work will be printed and flyposted onto the OWTSIDE boards for 6 months. The time your work is displayed has been increased in line with the addition of 2 further spaces.

We would encourage visual artists working across different art forms to apply. Due to the location of the gallery at the heart of a residential community, we will not be able to accept explicit artwork.

What to send us:

Each image should be .jpg files, 300dpi, without watermarks and titled with the name of artist in the order they are to be viewed (for example, FirstnameLastname01.jpg).

Please include the following as a PDF document, with images attached separately — not in a zipped folder. 

Artwork title(s), name of artist, brief bio (maximum 100 words), contact details, website url/social media. Those with successful submissions may be contacted for high-resolution files. Artists will retain all copyright of their images. 

Submissions / Queries: 


We’re really looking forward to hearing from you!


Will my original artwork be installed outside?

No, we will accept photos of original artworks, or digital work. These will then be printed and installed on the boards.

Does my work have to be a square?

No, the boards are 120 x 120cm but we can accept square, landscape or portrait works. Works that aren’t square will be printed in fit.

I’d not call myself an artist, but I like being creative. Can I apply?


What happens if my work gets damaged?

We will look to get the artwork reprinted and replaced if anything happens to it.

If I apply, then work is installed and I’m not chosen, do I have to reapply?

No, we will keep all applications on file and look at everything when we choose the next work to be installed. However, if you have new work you can send as many applications as you’d like to.

My work isn’t about place, space or the community. Should I apply?

Yes, we have no theme for this open call and will accept any creative work that can be replicated in print. Again, we cannot accept explicit work.

This is a rolling open call, however the deadline for the fourth round of OWTSIDE selection is 13th January 2025 at 9am.

You can still submit work after this date but it will be considered for the fifth selection of work.