2024 / 2025
GOING BACK BROCKENS is a project taking place across County Durham. 40 years after the 1984-5 miners’ strike, former pit villages have stories to tell, not just stories of their industrial past, but new stories of hope and aspiration.
Featuring a major exhibition with a new perspective on the strikes and a body of surrounding activity with and by County Durham communities.
Left: Narbi Price, Right: Mark Hudson
‘GOING BACK BROCKENS: Monuments and Rhetoric After the Miners’ Strike’ is a major new exhibition from award winning artist Narbi Price and award winning writer Mark Hudson.
The exhibition explores themes surrounding the 1984 miners strike and its legacy in County Durham 40 years on. Horden, a village on the east coast of Durham, is where the story begins. Once thriving as Europe’s most productive pit, now considered a ‘left behind’ neighbourhood, the project is asking the people or Horden to share their stories and memories to guide the project.
Narbi is making 40 new paintings of locations all over the county linked to the mining industry as they are now, forty years after the strikes.
Mark is creating a sound installation using interviews with the people of Horden carried out in 1991-92, a time when the Miners’ Strike of 1984-5 was still very raw in collective memory.
This exhibition will take place in 2025 and you are invited!
Get notified about the exhibitions and other related events and activities below.
Get notified about the exhibitions and other related project events and activities.
Share what this place means to you (or develop your own exhibition) and it will be included in a new community archive. Where will the story go from here?
A selection of early works from the exhibition by Narbi Price.

Where We Belong - A short film series by Carl Joyce
Where We Belong - is a new documentary film series that explores the relationship between people and place in County Durham. Inspired by Mark Hudson’s evocative book ‘Coming Back Brockens’, Carl will tell the unique stories of the people who call the County Durham villages their home and the way they continue to shape them.
Commissioned as part of the wider engagement connected to ‘Going Back Brockens’ project, Carl’s approach seeks to find new and alternative voices to complement those featured in the main project.
By using a series of six short films, he’ll explore the connections people have to these places and the impact they have, giving a platform to the often untold stories from across our region.
>> These shorts will be shown alongside the final exhibition taking place in 2025, and in various community showcases in the build up.
You are invited! Join the exhibition invite list above.
Every place tells a Story - your stories of place
To complement Narbi and Mark’s work, we are asking for people to contribute their stories of place. These stories can be in pictures, video or words and will contribute to a new community archive that will be launched at the main exhibition. Some works may also be selected to be showcased at a celebration event alongside the main exhibition!
You can learn more, follow the prompts and submit over on our project engagement page HERE.
In This Place - Your own exhibition
For those of you that are feeling more creative, we invite you to share your stories in person by hosting your own community exhibition at your local meeting place. These exhibitions will pop-up across the county, becoming an official part of the Going Back Brockens project and its series of events.
Learn more on the engagement page where we have free resources and tips HERE.
Do you want to know when Going Back Brockens events and activities are happening?
The Project
‘Going Back Brockens: Monuments and Rhetoric After the Miners’ Strike’ is being produced by Building Culture CIC who are collaborating with the artists to showcase the work in County Durham communities and working closely with local community groups to develop meaningful connections with the project.
Narbi Price is creating a new body of work, a series of 40 paintings which consider locations in County Durham as they are now, forty years after the strikes, and the beginning of the end of the area’s defining industry.
Mark Hudson’s accompanying sound installations revisit his interviews which informed his book 'Coming Back Brockens: A Year in a Mining Village'. Made-up of excerpts from interviews with the people of Horden carried out in 1991-92, the majority concerning the Miners’ Strike of 1984-5, which was then still raw in the collective memory.
Narbi and Mark are working together to create exhibitions of paintings accompanied by sound, and these will be presented at various locations around the county. Exactly where and how is being developed with the communities of Co. Durham as the project progresses.
Above: Narbi Price working on a painting in his studio. Below: Recce snaps.
“I think there’s something about how I approach painting as a vehicle for narrative. I’m somewhere between a landscape painter and a history painter. There are no people because paintings with people in become about the people depicted.
I want there to be space for the viewer to inhabit the depicted location. I’m interested in the sites being specific yet generic, analogous to the specific but shared and common problems faced by the individuals, families and communities in 1984/5.
My paintings are ultimately about time, each painting deals with time in an extended manner, particular to the medium, different entirely to photography. A painting is a literal record of the time made to make it. Time is encoded into the making.”
Project partners:
— Commissioned by No More Nowt, produced by Building Culture
— All of the participants across County Durham
— Narbi Price
— Mark Hudson
— Carl Joyce